Income from dues and donations paid last month was $1,293.00. Most members’ annual dues will be payable between June and September. Our current balances as of 25 June, 2019 are: Checking $4,283.95 Scholarships $4,373.94 Reserves $21,183.27 A Check was written to Judy...
Treasurer’s Corner
July 2019
Someone You Should Know
Dr. Charles Sundquist Dr. Charles Sundquist is a native of Duluth, MN. Currently, he is Artistic Director for “Anima – Glenn Ellyn Children’s Chorus”. He has served as Choral Director at Harvard-Westlake School in Los Angeles, Mountain Lakes and Princeton High Schools...
Organ Scholarship Initiative Update
We are pleased to report that three NSAGO Chapter members, Andrea Handley, Susan Klotzbach, and Rich Spantikow, will donate three free lessons over the Summer for our Organ Scholarship Intiative. These three students, Solomon Davids, Davis Redman,...
Organic Diversions
July 2019
Every choir needs a good conductor - submitted by Morgan Simmons Pictures contributed by Richard Spears along with answers to last month’s questions. ( He will send them in along with his treasurer’s report) Cartoon is contributed by Royce Eckhardt
End of Year Picnic
Amazingly, the rain held off for our end of the year potluck picnic on Saturday, June 1st. Who needs a formal program when we have a table full of wonderful “potluck dishes” and warm conversations among friends. [gallery order="DESC" link="file" size="medium"...
Member Chalkboard
July 2019
Jill Hunt reflects on why she attends AGO conventions…. I admit I am an AGO convention junkie. My friend, Helen, prefers the Regionals. I prefer the Nationals, but both work! What makes AGO conventions so special? Consider 2500 organists and church musicians singing...
July 2019
Dean’s Column
Americans will consume 818 hot dogs every second from Memorial Day to Labor Day. I’m not sure who figures these things out….but I do know that this is the season most of us take time out to do things outside the realm of music. If you haven’t been to a Cubs game,...