Welcome to April – Welcome to April showers! April is commonly associated with the season of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. The Romans gave April the Latin name “Aprilis” with the traditional etymology being from the verb “to open”, an allusion to its being the...
Recent Event Review: March 2023 Members Concert
North Shore Chapter of the American Guild of OrganistsMembers Recital: Lenten Favorites A Review by Derek Nickels The cold and gloomy weather on Sunday, March 26, 2023 didn’t detract an appreciative audience from enjoying a Members Recital of Lenten Favorites at St....
NSAGO 2023 Board Nominations
North Shore Chapter AGO 2023 Election Vote for Three Board Members to serve term 2023-2026 Mary Beth Molenaar – Board Member Mary Beth Molenaar started accompanying the choir regularly and playing the organ at Winnetka Covenant Church last fall after partially...
Someone You Should Know: Diana Schmück
"Diana Schmück…one of the finest chamber pianists on the scene...playing with her ears as much as her gifted hands."Andrew Patner, Chicago Sun-Times Pianist Diana Schmück, a doctoral graduate of Northwestern University’s Bienen School of Music, has master and bachelor...
AGO Regional Convention Update
Early registration has been extended to April 15!! Please visit our website – nsago2023.org and register soon.Not only is there an early-bird rate for AGO members, but an even lower early-bird rate for NORTH SHORE chapter members! Here are some highlights you don’t...
Membership News | April 2023
New dual member: Christopher Powell Please welcome Christopher Powell, new dual member of North Shore and Chicago chapters. Prep for Transposition Keyboard Skill, CAGO exam National AGO will offer a webinar on transposition skill, in preparation for CAGO, AAGO and...