Guest Contributor: Karl Bruhn At the church where I have played (and directed) for the past 15+ years, I felt the need to “do something” this past year (plus)—since the covid pandemic had struck. As with probably all of you, our worship services were cancelled. No...
Profile of the Month: Adrienne Tindall
What’s sitting on my desk right now? Too many papers! I'm determined to go through them before next Wednesday!!! Book 2 of Biblical Word Searches is at the printer, but I'm being lured into roughing out Book 3, when I should be re-mastering my music...
Guest Essay by Linda Cerabona
In March of 2020, the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic began to quickly and dramatically immobilize the country and the world. Worship was interrupted. Life was no longer life as we knew it especially in the realm of worship, music and the arts. Even today, all of...
Member’s Chalkboard
May 2020
Members of our chapter were asked to share some of the things you are doing during this shelter-in-place time. Here are some things your colleagues are doing. (Some of them were too humble to send them in, so we had to use scouts in the field.) Barry Wenger: This is...
A Peek Into Your Home Practice Space…
Sharon Peterson My Steinway M, purchased in 1978, is an important part of my life. Charley’s & my parents donated toward its purchase as our wedding gift – although the wedding wasn’t until 1979. When my parents asked Charley if that’s really what he wanted he...