Did you know that we have a Northshore Chapter Facebook page? This private Facebook page is the perfect place for you to view upcoming events and latest updates from our chapter! Connect with us on FacebookLike our Facebook page...
Organ Scholarship Initiative Update
The NSAGO Board has decided that these three free lessons may be given on a case-by-case basis. Only Teachers who feel comfortable offering lessons in their churches who have permission to teach in the space will be considered. All Students will strictly abide by the...
Upcoming North Shore AGO Events
Organ Crawl with Organ History Society Saturday, November 7, 2020, 11:00am-4:00pm Skokie and Edgebrook area churches We partner with the Organ Historical Society for an in-person, socially distanced visit to Skokie and Edgebrook area churches with interesting pipe...
Member’s Chalkboard | October 2020
A special shout-out to member Kevin Burrow, who is marrying the love of his life Jennifer (Jenn) Andrews. They will be married on Saturday, October 17 at St. Elizabeth Catholic Church in Kenosha, WI and will reside in Kenosha. Their dog Mumford and brand new puppy...
Review of Our Opening Recital on September 15
By Linda Cerebona A lovely recital was recently produced by Richard Clemmitt and co-hosted by Linda Cerabona on September 15, 2020 via Zoom. It featured 6 organists and was followed by a short breakout session with those who were virtually present. Here is a list of...
Regional Convention 2023 Update
As most of you know by now, with the uncertainties surrounding the pandemic, all five of the AGO regions decided in May to move the 2021 regional conventions to 2023. Our new dates are June 25-28, 2023. While it’s possible that the gathering of large crowds and group...