Membership Matters
Monthly reports from the NSAGO registrar.
Registrar’s Report | April 2024
New Members March 2024 and April Webinars
In March, NSAGO welcomed new dual member Sam Parnin (primary chapter, Ft. Wayne, IN); Sam is organist for Arlington United Methodist Church in Bloomington, IN.
Throughout April, NSAGO members may stream several webinars facilitated through National AGO headquarters.
Webinar: The Weekend Organist: Music for Manuals
On Monday, April 8th, at 6:00 pm CST (7:00 pm EST), J.W. Arnold will present “The Weekend Organist” to showcase pieces composed for manuals only (or with minimal pedal). Arnold is columnist for The American Organist magazine and the AGO’s marketing and communications specialist.
Register at:
Webinar: capella Software for AGO Members
On Monday, April 15th, at 6:00 pm CST (7:00 pm EST), Dr. Dominik Hörnel, director of capella-software AG, presents several music applications, including capella, capella-scan, capella audio2score, and tonica fugata. AGO members are eligible for a special discount.
Register at:
Webinar: One License – What’s New?
On Monday, April 22nd, at 6:00 pm CST (7:00 pm EST), Katie Deaver, associate general manager at One License, will host an interactive webinar to discuss reusing and sharing public domain music and other intellectual property considerations for organ, choral, and hand bell arrangements.
Register at:
Webinar: Using Hauptwerk Virtual Pipe Organ Software
On Monday, April 29th at 6:00 pm CST (7:00 pm EST), Brett Milan, founder and CEO of Milan Digital Audio, will facilitate a panel discussion and demonstrate how AGO members may use Hauptwerk software.
Register at:
New Members February 2024
In February, NSAGO welcomed new member Tamila Salimdjanova (organist, Winnetka Covenant Church).
Registrar’s Report | February 2024
New Members January 2024 and an Informative February Webinar
In January, NSAGO welcomed two new members: Westley Art Hodges (Director of Music, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Evanston) and Eun Joo Ju (Organist, Kenilworth Union Church).
Webinar: Woman Composer Sunday: Honoring Trailblazers and Inspiring New Generations
On Monday, February 12th, 6 pm Central (7 pm Eastern), National AGO Task Force for Gender Equity will offer a webinar covering repertoire and resources related to Woman Composer Sunday (10 March). The task force selected three women composers: Elizabeth Stirling (1819-1895), introduced in the January issue of TAO; Grace Wiersma, daughter of Dr. Roberta Bitgood, organist, composer, and first female president of the AGO (1975-1981); and contemporary composer Martha Sobaje. Look for works by all three in the January-March issues of TAO, for use on Woman Composer Sunday.
Register at:
Registrar’s Report: January 2024
New Chapter Dual Member: Mark J. Pichla
Please welcome Mark J. Pichla to NSAGO. Mark joined in November as dual member. Mark is also belongs to the Western Illinois University chapter.
AGO Launches New Webinars in January
AGO will host new webinars ranging from musical resolutions for the new year to prepping for job interviews.
On Monday, January 8th, 6 pm CDT (7 pm EDT), presenter J.W. Arnold, Marketing & Communications Specialist with AGO national headquarters, will offer “The Weekend Organist: New Year’s Resolutions You Can Keep in 2024,” covering valuable music resolutions and strategies to keep them. All registrants receive a free download of an accessible new organ work by John Dixon, as well as a tip sheet for 2024 resolution strategies.
Register at:
On Tuesday, January 16th, 6 pm CDT (7 pm EDT), the AGO national Committee on Career Development and Support presents “You Got the Interview…Now What?”. Professionals at any career stage may benefit from honing interview skills. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions in a Q&A session with the committee.
Register at:
Registrar’s Report | November 2023
New chapter members: Greg Robak and Hyun Ah Lee
Grzegorz Robak joined in October, designating North Shore as primary chapter. Hyun Ah Lee joined with primary affiliation in Rockford, subsequently adding North Shore as secondary membership. Please join in welcoming Greg and Hyun Ah.
Registrar’s Report | October 2023
AGO Launches Multiple Webinars in October
AGO will host three new webinars ranging from professional demands on music ministers to young organists’ expectations for chapters.
Being Yourself in the Face of Public Ministry. Speaker: Sarah Bereza
On Monday, 2 October at 6 pm CT, Sarah Bereza discusses how musicians can cultivate—and maintain—personal authenticity in the very public space of professional church music. Commitment to musical integrity, individual ethics, personal beliefs, identities, etc., sometimes conflict with social and political expectations for church employees. Sarah breaks down the challenges and proposes best practices for maintaining healthy balance.
Navigating Tomorrow: Young Organists Expectations for AGO Chapters
A panel of young organists explores their generation’s perception of guild and chapter membership—including their hopes for the guild’s future, expectations for benefits and opportunities to serve. Join them Monday, 16 October at 6 pm CT.
Submit questions to the panel in advance of the webinar at:
The Weekend Organist: Tips and Tricks for Part-Time Musicians
Often while working full-time weekday jobs, many part-time musicians prepare and play weekend services with ever shrinking time and resources. On Monday, 25 October, at 6 pm CT, J.W. Arnold shares strategies for excelling at music performance in the context of competing professional demands. Please bring suggestions for composers (and/or collections) that are reliably quick to prepare and effective to play—and learn how others not only cope but succeed!
Membership Matters | August 2023
New chapter member: Wendy Shanahan-Richards
Wendy Shanahan-Richards joins as a new member of the North Shore chapter.
Membership Matters | July 2023
New chapter members: Janet Correll, Dr. Sheran Fiedler, Daniel Stucker
Janet Correll joins as special member of the North Shore chapter. Dr. Sheran Fiedler joins as friend of the North Shore chapter. Daniel Stucker joins as dual member of Chicago and North Shore chapters.

Submitted by
Evan DuVall, Registrar
Membership Matters | June 2023
New chapter members: Patrick McCarthy, Kirstie Felland
Patrick McCarthy joined as dual young organist member of Chicago and North Shore chapters. Kirstie Felland transferred membership from Chicago to North Shore. Kirstie serves as organist of St. Gregory’s Church in Deerfield.
NSAGO hosts the Great Lakes Regional Convention June 25-28 in Evanston. Members and friends of the chapter are encouraged to volunteer. Please email convention volunteer coordinators at to help staff recital and workshop venues during the convention. Several slots remain open—this is a wonderful opporunity to contribute to the chapter’s broader outreach.
Membership Matters | May 2023
New dual member: Martin Kehe
Please welcome Martin Kehe, CAGO, new dual member of North Shore and Chicago chapters. Martin is associate for music at St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church in Wilmette, where he plays organ and directs the choir.
National AGO Chapter Leader Webinar
PipeWorks: A STEAM Initiative
Join National AGO on Monday evening, May 22 at 7 pm ET (6 pm CT) to discover how members can help raise awareness of the organ among young musicians and prospective members.
Register at: