April 2022

Dean’s Column | April 2022

Dear Friends, In Harvard Business School professor Arthur Brooks’ new book, From Strength to Strength, he suggests that we need three things to be happy: faith, friends and meaningful work. In light of that, I couldn’t help notice what Ukraine’s President Zelensky said during a recent press conference.  In replying to a question about how he was doing, he said, “My life today is wonderful. I believe that I am needed. That’s the most important sense of life: that you are needed—that you are not...

Member’s Chalkboard | April 2022

From Judy Kohl: The North Shore AGO board would like to compile a list of those teaching organ/piano in the area. If you would like your name to be added to this list for reference when people call, please email me at agonorthshore@gmail.com. Brian Schoettler:...

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