In February, NSAGO welcomed new member Tamila Salimdjanova (organist, Winnetka Covenant Church).
Registrar’s Report | November 2023
New chapter members: Greg Robak and Hyun Ah Lee Grzegorz Robak joined in October, designating North Shore as primary chapter. Hyun Ah Lee joined with primary affiliation in Rockford, subsequently adding North Shore as secondary membership. Please join in welcoming...
Membership Matters | July 2023
New chapter members: Janet Correll, Dr. Sheran Fiedler, Daniel Stucker Janet Correll joins as special member of the North Shore chapter. Dr. Sheran Fiedler joins as friend of the North Shore chapter. Daniel Stucker joins as dual member of Chicago and North Shore...
Membership News | April 2023
New dual member: Christopher Powell Please welcome Christopher Powell, new dual member of North Shore and Chicago chapters. Prep for Transposition Keyboard Skill, CAGO exam National AGO will offer a webinar on transposition skill, in preparation for CAGO, AAGO and...
Membership Matters | October 2022
We’d like to take a moment to welcome two new members to the chapter this month! Betsey Donegan and Diana Schmück, welcome to the North Shore Chapter! All the best, Rich
Membership Matters | June 2022
May was a pretty quiet month in membership, we didn’t have anyone join this month. On the other hand we still have roughly 40 memberships that are up for renewal most of which will expire on July 1. Please take a look and see if you are up for renewal, you can do...
Membership Matters | March 2022
This month we extend a warm welcome to two new members, David Bolthouse and Nicholas Renkosik! Welcome to the North Shore Chapter, David! We hope to see you at one of our upcoming events. As always if there is something you need assistance with regarding your...
Membership Matters | December 2021
This month I’d like to extend a warm welcome to two new members, both of whom joined us via the young organist initiative sponsored by national headquarters. Welcome to Madeleine Woodworth and Darrin Rose! We’re glad to have you with us! I hope everyone has a great...
Registrar’s Report | February 2024
New Members January 2024 and an Informative February Webinar In January, NSAGO welcomed two new members: Westley Art Hodges (Director of Music, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Evanston) and Eun Joo Ju (Organist, Kenilworth Union Church). Webinar: Woman Composer Sunday:...
Registrar’s Report | October 2023
AGO Launches Multiple Webinars in October AGO will host three new webinars ranging from professional demands on music ministers to young organists’ expectations for chapters. Being Yourself in the Face of Public Ministry. Speaker: Sarah Bereza On Monday, 2 October at...
Membership Matters | June 2023
New chapter members: Patrick McCarthy, Kirstie Felland Patrick McCarthy joined as dual young organist member of Chicago and North Shore chapters. Kirstie Felland transferred membership from Chicago to North Shore. Kirstie serves as organist of St. Gregory's Church in...
Membership Matters | January 2023
We welcome back Mary Beth Molenaar as a member of the North Shore Chapter AGO. Currently she is a member of the Winnetka Covenant Church in Winnetka and plays the piano in accompanying the church choir. As an organist previously in the Minneapolis area, she has served...
Membership Matters | September 2022
A very warm welcome back to the North Shore Chapter to Kay Sutton! We’re glad you have rejoined us and look forward to seeing you soon! If you have been on the fence to get your AGO Certification, now is the time. The new requirements have been posted. Click Here. If...
Membership Matters | May 2022
This month we extend a warm welcome to Charlie Carpenter and Eva Lichtenstein. Welcome to the North Shore Chapter. We hope you’ll join us at our progressive recital and banquet on May 22nd! Just a reminder approximately half our chapter is up for...
Membership Matters | February 2022
Membership Matters February 2022 All is quiet on the membership front again this month. As I was looking for something meaningful to share for this month, I stumbled on the classified ads. Here you can peruse organs that are for sale as well as music and other...
Membership Matters | November 2021
It’s been another quiet month on the membership front. So rather than a welcome, I thought I’d point that our events calendar. Did you know that you can publish NON-NSAGO organ and choral events happening at your church on our event calendar. Yes…we do have an...
Registrar’s Report: January 2024
New Chapter Dual Member: Mark J. Pichla Please welcome Mark J. Pichla to NSAGO. Mark joined in November as dual member. Mark is also belongs to the Western Illinois University chapter. AGO Launches New Webinars in January AGO will host new webinars ranging...
Membership Matters | August 2023
New chapter member: Wendy Shanahan-Richards Wendy Shanahan-Richards joins as a new member of the North Shore chapter.
Membership Matters | May 2023
New dual member: Martin Kehe Please welcome Martin Kehe, CAGO, new dual member of North Shore and Chicago chapters. Martin is associate for music at St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church in Wilmette, where he plays organ and directs the choir. National AGO Chapter Leader...
Membership Matters | November 2022
OLIVIER LATRY IN RECITAL Friday, 4 November, 7:00 pm Olivier Latry returns to Chicagoland this week for one of only three US performances during fall of 2022. Latry is titular organist at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame (Paris) and professor of organ at the Paris...
Membership Matters August 2022
This month we extend a warm welcome to new North Shore Member, Chuck Mize! We’re glad you’re here and look forward to seeing you at one of our events in the fall. Also from a membership perspective. There are a lot of potential job opportunities out there. Give the...
Membership Matters | April 2022
I’d like to extend a warm welcome to Bea Cuasay who joined our chapter this month, She is a new AGO member and joined under the Young Organist Initiative. Welcome Bea, we hope to see you at our banquet in May! In keeping with the Year of the Young Organist theme,...
Membership Matters | January 2022
I hope everyone is enjoying a little break from the hustle and bustle that the Advent season brings. I feel like the Christmas and Epiphany seasons allow me a chance to regroup and focus for the upcoming Lent and Easter seasons, albeit they fall very late this...
Membership Matters | September 2021
During the month of August, we welcomed three new members via the Young Organist Initiative! Join me in welcoming, Peter Morey, Annika Sundberg and Andrew Mertzenich. We hope to see you at one of our upcoming events!! Just a reminder that there are a number of...