October 2021

Members Chalkboard | October 2021

Did anyone leave a black rain jacket at my house after the potluck picnic on September 4th? If so, please reach out to me at 847-769-7447 - Judy Kohl From Lillian Ng After reading the 2 articles about Edith Ho's passing in the Oct issue of The American Organists, I just wanted to introduce myself as Edith Ho's niece, as she and my mother are first cousins. Here are some photos of us attending the 2009 Regional organ convention together in Boston when I stayed in her house.  She really...

Dean’s Column | October 2021

Dear Friends, In this month’s Overtones, you will find pictures throughout the articles. To me, this speaks to a  narrative of one of our chapter’s high values - intentional relationships. Though the pandemic has naturally changed some of the ways we have...

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Welcoming and Engaging Young Organists

We would like to remind everyone in our chapter that July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022, is the AGO’s Year of the Young Organist. This initiative includes one year of free membership in the AGO and a subscription to The American Organist magazine. We appreciate the...

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North Shore Social Media Updates

Did you know that we have a Northshore Chapter Facebook page? This Facebook page is the perfect place for you to view upcoming events and latest updates from our chapter! Connect with us on Facebook Like our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/northshoreago Thanks...

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