Past Dean’s Columns

Dean’s Column
October 2019

Being an unabashed Anglophile since my college days, I’ve been a fan of J.R.R. Tolkien and his writings. My dog is even named Strider, after Aragorn, the future King in Lord of the Rings. I’ve appreciated Tolkien’s quote, “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” It sounds simple - but is rather profound. For me, that means striking a balance between accomplishing my goals towards what really matters in life and enjoying the day-to-day journey. Fall schedules have...
June 2018Dean’s ColumnCoda….

June 2018
Dean’s Column

Wow – my last dean’s column. I just looked through the archive of dean’s columns and saw that my first dean’s column, in September of 2013, noted that we were beginning our 55th season. And as we all know, we just finished an entire season of celebrations for our 60th...

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