Richard Clemmitt Organist and Choirmaster of Christ Church in Winnetka 1. What is sitting on your desk right now? A pile of church work that still needs attention post-Easter. 2. What would I rather be doing right now? Whenever I can, I always enjoy making more time...
Profile of the Month: Pat Radosavlijevic
Pat took the time to answer these questions so we can know her just a bit better: 1. What is your earliest memory? My earliest memory of the organ is singing in the children’s choir from the seat next to the organ. I was totally mesmerized when Sister Mary Jane played...
Personal Profile: Caron Farmer
Caron Farmer AAGO Here you are able to get to know Caron, who is presently our link to National Headquarters as our Great Lakes Regional Councillor. 1. What is sitting on your desk right now? The follow-up report on a successful fundraiser we had for our public...
Profile of the Month: Jay Peterson
What is sitting on your desk right now? Although my wife Cheryl and I regularly subscribe to at least five Chicago musical/theatrical venues, my desk presently contains five flyers from other worthy arts organizations that urge my attendance. We'll have to see...
Profile of the Month: Isabella Wu
Isza took the time to answer these questions so we can know her just a bit better: Let’s get the music question out of the way so we can learn more about the other aspects of your life. Tell us a bit about what you are doing and what your plans are for the near...
Personal Profile: Gary Wendt
Gary WendtMinister for Music & OrganistGlenview Community ChurchGlenview, IL 1. What is sitting on your desk right now? A stack of music that needs filing, my mask, an empty Starbucks cup, and a small, tented sign that reads, "I'm not your therapist." 2. What...