Sunday, November 3 at 5:00 p.m. ALL SAINTS EVENSONG & DURUFLÉ’S “REQUIEM” St. Giles Episcopal Church 3025 Walters Avenue Northbrook, IL 60062 The Choir of St. Giles James R. Brown, Director of Music David Jonies (Holy Name Cathedral), Organist For more...
Treasurer’s Corner
October 2019
Income from dues and donations paid in September was $615.00. Most members’ annual dues are paid between June and September. Our current balances as of 25 September, 2019 are: Checking $10,118.95 Scholarships $2,069.27 Reserves $19,684.86 Total $31,873.08 The...
Recent Event Review: AGO Meeting September 2019
On a dark and rainy Sunday afternoon (It was a dark and stormy night…..) 30 North Shore members and friends gathered at Christ Church in Winnetka for fellowship and music sharing. We enjoyed delicious cookies, cheese and crackers and punch provided so ably by Eileen...
Someone You Should Know: Solomon Davids
October 2019
Last spring I was approached by organist, colleague, and friend Sharon Peterson to see if my son, Solomon, might be interested in North Shore Chapter AGO’s Organ Scholar Initiative program providing three free organ lessons and a year-long AGO membership. I wasn’t...
Someone You Should Know
September 2019
Introducing Marianne Kim A Chicago-based composer, organist, pianist, and harpsichordist, Marianne Kim has been noted for her vibrant performances and compositions in a wide diversity of musical styles, such as classical, jazz, Broadway musical, R&B, gospel,...
Recent Event Review: AGO Regional Convention
REPORT FROM THE GREAT LAKES REGIONAL AGO CONVENTION 2019: Nearly 250 attendees enjoyed the Great Lakes Regional Convention in Grand Rapids at the end of June. We were treated to many recitals in a number of wonderful venues. Grand Rapids has a plethora of large and...
Treasurer’s Corner
July 2019
Income from dues and donations paid last month was $1,293.00. Most members’ annual dues will be payable between June and September. Our current balances as of 25 June, 2019 are: Checking $4,283.95 Scholarships $4,373.94 Reserves $21,183.27 A Check was written to Judy...
July 2019
Someone You Should Know
Dr. Charles Sundquist Dr. Charles Sundquist is a native of Duluth, MN. Currently, he is Artistic Director for “Anima – Glenn Ellyn Children’s Chorus”. He has served as Choral Director at Harvard-Westlake School in Los Angeles, Mountain Lakes and Princeton High Schools...
Organ Scholarship Initiative Report
Sept. 15 NSAGO Board Meeting The Chapter decided to offer this program again after a successful launch in 2017. Four students received three free lessons, taught by three teachers. (A fourth teacher, Robert Woodworth offered, but there were no additional students to...
Member Chalkboard
October 2019
Congratulations for Dr. Jay Peterson, one of our chapter members, who presented a workshop at Christ Church of Oak Brook on Friday, Sept 27. It was called, “Keys to the Organ Bench - A practical workshop to hymn playing on the organ for accomplished pianists...
Membership Matters
October 2019
A very warm welcome to Morris Phibbs who joined North Shore this month. We look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events! Rich Spantikow, Membership
Treasurer’s Corner
September 2019
Income from dues and donations paid in July and August was $2,057.00. Most members’ annual dues will be payable between June and September. Our current balances as of 31 August, 2019 are: Checking $5,528.95 Scholarships $4,544.27 Reserves $21,184.86 A Check was...
Organic Diversions
September 2019
PORTLAND, OR—In a move to increase attendance and allow everyone to participate in the beloved pastime of communal church vaping, Freewheel Community Church unveiled its new vape organ, a specially modified pipe organ that pumps out delicious vape flavors throughout...
Dean’s Column
September 2019
Although our seasons seem to be running a bit late this year (summer took a while to show up), we are indeed ready to begin our fall programming for our North Shore Chapter. In just a few weeks, on September 22, we will host our opening event at Christ Church,...
Organic Diversions
July 2019
Every choir needs a good conductor - submitted by Morgan Simmons Pictures contributed by Richard Spears along with answers to last month’s questions. ( He will send them in along with his treasurer’s report) Cartoon is contributed by Royce Eckhardt
End of Year Picnic
Amazingly, the rain held off for our end of the year potluck picnic on Saturday, June 1st. Who needs a formal program when we have a table full of wonderful “potluck dishes” and warm conversations among friends. [gallery order="DESC" link="file" size="medium"...
Organic Diversions
October 2019
Regional Convention 2021 Update
Happy Autumn! Your Steering committee for the Great Lakes AGO Regional Convention 2021 continues to be busy working on the regional convention we’ll be sponsoring in June of 2021. We have just turned in our Program Proposal and Proposed Budget to National...
Dean’s Column
October 2019
Being an unabashed Anglophile since my college days, I’ve been a fan of J.R.R. Tolkien and his writings. My dog is even named Strider, after Aragorn, the future King in Lord of the Rings. I’ve appreciated Tolkien’s quote, “All we have to decide is what to do with the...
Registrar’s Report
September 2019
Registrar’s Report September 2019 A very warm welcome to Issabella Wu who joined the NorthShore Chapter in July, we look forward to meeting you at our upcoming events. As part of making sure our website is updated and contains the correct information, we’ve done some...
Upcoming Events
September 2019
New Transcriptions for Organ Four-Hands, Piano & Organ duet, and solo Organ & Piano Rebecca S.Y. Chu, Organ Soo Young Kim, Piano Sunday, September 8, 2019 at 6 p.m. First Presbyterian Church of Evanston First Presbyterian organist Rebecca Chu and collaborator...
Identify the Instrument
July 2019
Try Your Hand at Identifying the Instrument Here are some images of Organs, organ cases, and consoles from both well-known and obscure instruments found around the world. But first, the organs or consoles shown in last month’s "Try Your Hand" were... The Wurlitzer at...
Member Chalkboard
July 2019
Jill Hunt reflects on why she attends AGO conventions…. I admit I am an AGO convention junkie. My friend, Helen, prefers the Regionals. I prefer the Nationals, but both work! What makes AGO conventions so special? Consider 2500 organists and church musicians singing...
July 2019
Dean’s Column
Americans will consume 818 hot dogs every second from Memorial Day to Labor Day. I’m not sure who figures these things out….but I do know that this is the season most of us take time out to do things outside the realm of music. If you haven’t been to a Cubs game,...